Download, test and BUY a licence

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Download, test and BUY a licence

Post by bernd »

Hi, i know my homepage is not so good a should be.

This is the reason for this quick FAQ:

Where is the download?
The current stable version is always a sticky forum post in this topic at the top:

Is the software free to use and what is the difference to the pay version?
Yes, it's free to use. With the free version you can only use 14 MIDI keys, knobs/fader. If you buy my software you can use 512. This limit is from available DMX channels per universe.

Where to buy a licence code?
You cannot buy the software directly from me, because EU tax law is to complicated.

You can use the 2checkout shop at
2checkout shop

Where to enter the licence code?
Start the software and use menu "help"->"licence manager".
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